Get your own damn uterus.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Catholic Church - Pro-Sex?

Here's an interesting set of moral gymnastics. The Catholic Church thinks that people have a holy obligation to marry and procreate, correct? They are avowedly, adamantly, aggressively, "pro-life", correct?

Then why the in the name of Hades is a Catholic School teacher being fired for doing whatever necessary to conceive with her husband?

Because she committed the unforgiveable sin of, after trying for five years, turning to science to get her pregnant. Yes, she got in vitro fertilization, she got pregnant, she told her bosses, and she got a pink slip.

People like Joseph Capizzi of the Culture of Life Foundation said that in
vitro fertilization ran counter to Catholic teachings, which stress that a child
should be conceived through sex between a husband and wife.

"It's not so much that it's artificial that's the problem, instead it's
removing the sexual act and procreative act from the context of marriage," he

Because babies are supposed to come from marital, procreation-based, man-on-top, penis-in-vagina, not-to-be-enjoyed-by-women sex. And if that doesn't work, well, I guess you just aren't PRAYING hard enough, or you're a bad person who doesn't deserve to have children, so in that case stop having sex immediately.

And that's the next step, isn't it - fertility tests before marriage? If you can't procreate, you can't wed, unless you promise not to have sex, because non-procreative sex is sinful, but a marriage must be consummated in the eyes of God, but okay, only once and neither of you'd better enjoy it, except it's not really sex until the man ejaculates, so maybe if the woman hates it twice as much to make up for the man's enjoyment, but then the man's seed - his precious manly essence! - is still being wasted, so...I guess it's a life of chastity and singlehood for the non-fertile, after all.

Too bad - all those kids sure could have used a coupla loving parents. Oops, I meant "fertile heterosexual" parents, because we all know that what a child needs, first and foremost, is the presence of reproductively viable individuals in her life.


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